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Wednesday 23 September 2015

The Self Discovery Journey(LIFE).

   What is life really about? For girls: God, fashion,relationships, academics, boys, make up; what else? For boys: God,fashion, games, money, cars, girls, relationships; what else? God and these things basically create our daiIy cycle. They remain specific pointers to our personality, our life depending on how serious we take each of them.
But my question really is- ".What if one feels withdrawn from who one believes one is?" The journey of self discovery if you agree with me is one that demands patience,focus and being very blunt with oneself in the area of decisions and actions.
   After I graduated from high school I did not really feel the difference between my life status now and what it used to be with my classmates until when I sat for a university entrance examination. Right there I felt and knew it in my heart that I was alone with God this time; no one to compare results with, no uniforms to wear, no one to console me when I cry( I remember the flogging aspect, I used to cry a lot and what was mostly unique about it was my head most times shook while I, some thing I can not change. Anyway, I got better with it later on), no one to visit and walk with like before. It totally dawned on me that moment. I also left my environment for another just to spend the holiday. This made me leave my friends and what I consider a life also. I felt withdrawn from who I believed I was created to be which has definitely changed a lot of things concerning me like in the area of spirituality and believes.
This is just my case, I got to learn from it but I also thought of what this could be for others and the question that actually popped into my mind was-" What if who we used to be was not who we were created to be, what if it was not our calling; no matter how good we were with it or how wonderful the world thought it to be or how comfortable and happy we felt with that dynast we believe we were created to be.
   People have told me a lot about self discovery especially the duration of time they believe it occurs; some say within the six years spent in secondary school and some say in the university but I believe it is something that happens whe one takes a step back from who one created for oneself and try to observe and analyse things not necessarily staying away from people but paying attention to what life has been throwing at one and how one has always reacted to it.
   I have heard people say discovering who you were created to be brings fulfilment and happiness. They have also said try not to please people but I say fulfilment and happiness will not be complete if one does not please people. I believe many eye brows are  raised right now but really think about it.  Most of our actions are done to please people whether ourselves or others. If it were to be chores, we must have done that to please our parents most especially our mothers. We also deny ourselves of some things just to please our friends. In both cases we have shown love to them just by pleasing them. Besides, pleasing oneself only is something I consider being selfish.
   On the other hand, we most times have a sharp, sometimes crazy and appalling bitter or sad feeling when our attempts to make people happy or please them in this case throws at us an unexpectedly insulting or ungrateful response. This could actually make us feel terrible but it is not something to dwell on, just shake it off. That is one of the best ways to handle negative comments but some people held those remarks so tight, just too tight it damaged their enthusiasm. Do you have an idea of the number of people who gave up hope and glued themselves to the mentality of"I am no good" because of those discouraging remarks? But sometimes people do not have to say or do anything to discourage us but we just glue ourselves to the "I am no good" mentality because we are the ones criticising and most times we blow minor mistakes out of proportion especially when we have competitors. The best thing to do in this case is to focus on becoming a better individual.
   Life is also  about growth. The measurement of the rate of a person's growth is usually dependent on the level of the people around whether academic growth, financial growth or in the area of mentality. In most cases one is faced with two options; settle for who one is in that environment or move out of one's zone and explore which is something I like to do. As a speaker, it has shown me the difference between teenagers from entirely different backgrounds and has taught me how to communicate with both parties. As a student, it has taught me not to settle for things lesser than my potentials. As a friend, it has taught me to always appreciate  people I consider special to me. We definitely experience a lot when we step out of our zones.
   So, those are  the main things about life I have learnt in five weeks I believe. Feel free to share your believes concerning life. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. This is a stage which acts as the bridge between teenage life and defined adult. I love this piece.


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