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Thursday 18 August 2016


      The, innocence of childhood still amazes me; we were not filled with ego nor pride, we were sometimes gentle, other times playful and stubborn; perfection was never expected of us, we were loved and respected by many. We played with innocence and purity.
We disobeyed at times but were only scolded when we went to the extremes, it was quite understandable, pardonable- we were just children.
Left to our accord, we finished snacks in each others homes,jumped on the chairs, broke light bulbs sometimes,  turned bathtops to minipools, played for 'hours' non-stop, ran in the rain, played with sand, water, stones and leaves; were superstitious-threw our fallen teeth with seven stones onto a roof believing a so called lizard was after it or put our fallen teeth under our pillows thinking we would wake up to find a dollar note.
We never quarrelled for so long, wealth was never a barrier to our love for each other. It was pure love and joy.
     But, as we grew, ego and pride came in, we identified the difference between the rich, the average and the poor, we ostracized the supposedly dull kid, some of us became bossy then we waited for the first to reach out either through a phone call or by waving when passing by.
One way or the other we were expected to develop into a perfect being whether we were taught the right things or corrected when we did wrong, we were just meant to be perfect to those who raised us. Then we began to be careful as not to make mistakes because of the fear of being scolded. So we become so principled which speeded up our maturity intellectually and sometimes came at the expense of our love for others and happiness.
Everything now becomes a competition, from who talks better to who gets better grades to who is prettier, more handsome, wealthier, dresses better and interacts better.
     As long as we are the  best in our niche we believe the battle is over that battle we started in our heads. We do all we can to be recognised as the best and greatest in all we lay our hands on, this we think brings the joy and love we desire. But we forgot that love is not earned, that is why it is LOVE! It cares no matter what,  it is just pure and blameless.
And Joy, comes when we do what we love,  that's just it! And I have come to understand that ones joy and love grows when we are around our beloved friends and families.
     And those that feel defeated? They fold themselves up, give their joy and self love away because they feel they are inferior and would never be considered great.
One thing we all must recognise is there are different roads to greatness, success and fulfilment; they are all individually defined.
     So, I wish the love we had as children would reinforce itself in our hearts and become indelible because "a man full of joy and love is the greatest mankind can ever record".


  1. Thank u, u do not know d reason why am saying thank u but i mean it. Keep it up.


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